Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics and Resource Management
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Entry Requirements
In addition to the university requirements, the applicants for D.Phil. programme in Agricultural Resource Economics and Management must be:
Holders of Masters of Philosophy Degree of Moi University or its equivalent as recognized by Moi University Senate in Agricultural Resource Economics and Management or related fields such as Agribusiness Management, Co-operative Management, Agricultural Finance, Marketing, MBA or Economics.
Holders of any qualification considered by Moi University Senate as equivalent to an M.Phil Degree in Agricultural Resource Economics and Management.
Duration of the Study
The Doctor of Philosophy programme shall be by course work and Thesis distributed over a minimum of three years and a maximum of four years of full time attendance. Part time attendance will require a minimum of four years and a maximum of six years.
The D.Phil. programme of study will require the candidate to take graduate level courses and subsequently, the candidate must write a thesis and pass final oral examinations.
Programme structure
The overall course structure depends upon the candidate’s area of specialization. However, all candidates must take all core courses. The elective courses emphasize on the student’s area of specialization. The student is required to complete a minimum of 26 units of course work comprising at least 18 units of core courses offered at 900 series and 8 units of elective courses which can either be taken at level 900 or 800 series. Elective courses will be taken with the advice of supervisors depending on the intended area of specialization and the background of the student and in particular what the candidate did and scored in both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes as indicated by the transcripts.
All other requirements as specified by Moi University with regard to conduct of studies, supervision, submission and examination of Thesis will also apply.
Core Courses
Course Requirements
ARE 901 Microeconomic Theory
ARE 902 Macroeconomic Theory
ARE 904 Advanced Econometrics
ARE 906 Mathematical Programming and Dynamic Optimization
ARE 989 Contemporary Issues in Agricultural Economics and Development
ARE 909 History of Economic Thought
ARE 990 Guided Research on Topical Issues
(a) End of semester examination: There will be a threehour paper for all 3 units and a 2 hour paper for the 2 unit courses done by all D.Phil. candidates.
The D.Phil. candidate is required to pass all end of semester examinations. Failure to pass a paper in these examinations leads to discontinuation from the programme. The seminar presentation will be assessed by the staff as pass or fail.
(b) Comprehensive examination: The D.Phil. candidate is required to take a comprehensive examination administered by the department after completion of the coursework. This examination will be composed of two – hour papers. One paper will generally cover core courses and the other will generally cover electives.
For the convenience of the candidates, comprehensive examinations are administered at the end of the first academic year. No candidate will be allowed to graduate without passing this examination.