


Graduate Studies Staff

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Dr Ronald Bonuke Chairman Graduate Studies
Dr Jane Sang Coordinator PhD
Dr. Andrew Kimwolo Coordinator Masters Programmes
Dr Robert Odunga Nairobi Campus Coordinators
Dr Stanley Kavale Coast Campus Coordinators
Dr. Lucy Rono  Accounting & Finance, Departmental Graduate studies committee chairpersons
Prof Michael Korir Management Science & Entrepreneurship, Departmental Graduate studies committee chairpersons
Dr Ronald Bonuke Marketing & Logistics, Departmental Graduate studies committee chairpersons
Prof Peter Omboto Economics, Departmental Graduate studies committee chairpersons

Office of the Dean

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Vision, Mission

  • Written by skalume
  • Category: About
  • Hits: 1729


To be recognized as the centre of excellence in Business Economics and services related duties.



To become principal centre of knowledge and excellence by producing competent graduates; promoting internal/external visibility and leadership in research and training and being sensitive/responsive to rapidly changing business environment.


  • To consistently broaden access and training opportunities of Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs through a 5% annual growth in student enrollment.
  • To conduct research and produce at least ten (10) publications in refereed journals in each academic year.
  • To ensure 75% progression and graduation of students on annual basis.
  • To initiate and nurture at least four (4) linkages and or collaborations in every two (2) years.
  • To undertake at least two (2) social outreach activities every academic year.

Contact Us

School of Business and Economics
Moi University
P. O. Box 3900–30100
Eldoret, Kenya
Tel. +254 53 43620
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dean's Message

dr. cheboi's photo

Prof. Josephat Cheboi

Dean, School of Business and Economics

It is with great pleasure that I write about School of Business and Economics (SBE), a school that is currently experiencing a major leap of all times. SBE is a sphere of business and economics studies. The School boasts of quality, market driven and very innovative programmes administered in the various Moi University Campuses and its affiliates across the country. We believe in the power of education to transform and to offer opportunity and access to all. Students within the school at all levels of progress and more that will join are assured of a resourceful team of staff that have a common focus, that of academic progress. SBE is driven by a strong belief in fairness, professionalism and academic progress. The reason why SBE is such a great school is its faculty and its broad academic offerings; its palette of culture and technology. Our best technology transfer is human transfer. This is our true contribution to society and it is a noble contribution because those we graduate will go on to lead society.

In line with the promise of global relevance and desire to build the future graduate of business and economics in the image and likeness of the country’s needs and challenges, we face head on the fact that business is increasingly becoming complex and require the ability to operate in the context of the broader society. Our students start by learning to master the foundations of business and economics. This is no longer enough: today’s business environment requires graduates to have the ability to address issues that cross-functional boundaries with global perspective, an innovative and entrepreneurial mind-set, ethical grounding, commitment to diversity, respect for sustainability, and technological sophistication. SBE has embraced Problem Based Learning and modular approach to teaching. Our ability to contribute to the solution of many of today’s societal problems is based not just on academic excellence, which we have great abundance, but on sustained culture of creativity and innovation.

SBE improves society by developing principled leaders for the world of practical affairs. This drives everything we do. The school’s approaches to achieving our mission- include student-centered learning, thoughtful leadership and active engagement with the business community. My purpose as Dean is not simply to recite a litany of great worthies of SBE, although I do take great pleasure in contemplating the astonishing people especially the outgoing dean, the late Professor Henry Maritim whose achievements have made this one of the premier business schools. I also pay great tribute to our students. They came to this school on the prairie, some from nearby, some from far away, most of them young and relatively unknown when they arrived, some of them skeptical of what they would find here, but wherever they came from, in whatever field of study, and with whatever initial expectations, they brought with them great intelligence, drive, and intellectual courage; they found here an environment that nourished their remarkable talents and let them thrive; and they sent back out into the larger world the true fruits of their distinguished labors.



Brief History of the School of Business and Economics (SBE)

The school of Business and Economics began as a degree program of Bachelor of Arts in Technology and Management Studies (TMS) in the Faculty of Social Cultural and Development studies in the department of Economics in 1990. An idea of a new faculty of Business and Management was discussed and agreed on in 2000. It was during this time that the founder of the School of Business and Economics, the late Professor Henry K. Maritim left Department of Agricultural Marketing and Cooperatives and joined the Faculty of Social Cultural and Development. Professor Maritim later started the Faculty of Business Management in 2002. The faculty initially had three departments namely; Management Science, Accounting and Finance, while the department of Marketing and Logistics was created from the department of Management Science.

Restructuring was done in 2005 and departments were merged. The departments of Marketing and Management science were merged and the departments of Tourism and Tour operations management were also merged. During that period the departments of Economics and Agricultural Economics were merged and put under the School of Business and Economics. Currently, the School of Business and Economics has five departments namely: Accounting and Finance, Marketing & Logistics, Management Science, Economics and Agricultural Resource Management. There has also been a phenomenal growth in students and staff. In 2000 the school had approximately 80 students and 8 academic staff members but today the school has over 9066 students and over 100 academic staff members. The student population in the 2010/11 academic year per year of study in all our programs is shown in the table below:

The SBE has continued to register progress in all fields. The school of Business and Economics has a number of international students. This group of students is expected to increase spontaneously in the next few months as the school is in its final stages in development of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) modules. The demand for ODL is expected to attract both local and international students. ODL is expected to increase access to education by those who because of many reasons such as time and location constraints have not been able to in the past. The table below is a summary of international student population both at graduate and undergraduate levels.

There are three divisions in the school namely; Business Studies, Service Management, and Economics. The division of Business Studies comprises of Accounting and Finance, Marketing & Logistics, Management Science and Human Resource Management departments. The Division of Economics comprises of Economics and Agricultural Economics & Resource Management departments. In addition, the school runs a key center namely the Center for Research and Enterprise Development.

The reason for the growth in our student numbers is that the SBE meets the challenge of producing quality graduates by being at the cutting edge of the most current education and training methods in the world of business. These methods include: problem-based learning, modular teaching approach, group discussion methods, teamwork learning, programming and simulation methods. In addition, industrial attachment and field courses are emphasized because they facilitate the production of graduates that are academically qualified and practically oriented. The school is highly competitive and attracts excellent students from across Kenya and internationally. Its academic staff and students reflect a broad cross-section of disciplines and backgrounds. In addition, it provides an environment in which employed and experienced students infuse the learning process at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels with a stimulating balance between theory and practice. Additionally there is diversity of programs and production of high quality graduates by the school. The main office of the Dean of the school is at Eldoret West Campus. Other offices are at Main Campus and Town Campus (Eldoret Hospice and Kiptagich House). Information concerning the school can be obtained in all Moi University Satellite Campuses such as Nairobi Campus, Coast Campus, Kericho Town Campus, Odera Akang’o – Yala Campus and Kitale Campus.

Key Milestones

1990 Program under Faculty of Social Cultural and Development
2000 Founding of the School of Business and Economics


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